Insuring those who are most important to us.
2018 Open Enrollment Ends In:
The Precious Metals of the ACA
Plans Starting At:- Bronze plans: lower monthly payments, but higher out-of-pocket costs.
- Your health plan pays 60% on average. You pay about 40%
- Deductible Range: $4,500 – $6,250
- $0 Co-Pay for preventative care
- Co-Pay before deductible on some plans
- Generic drug co-pays as low as $4 before deductible with some plans
Plans Starting At:- Silver plans:monthly payments lower than a gold plan. Your out-of-pocket costs will be less than a bronze plan.
- Silver plans cover about 70 percent
- Deductible Range: $1,250 – $3,400
- $0 Co-Pay for preventative care
- Office Visit Co-Pay before deductible on some plans
- Generic drug co-pays as low as $4 before deductible
Plans Starting At:- Gold plans: higher monthly payments, but lower out-of-pocket costs.
- Gold plans cover about 80 percent
- Deductible Range: $0
- $0 Co-Pay for preventative care
- Office Visit, Lab and ER Co-Pays with no deductible
- Generic and Brand drug co-pays as low as $15 before deductible with some plans
Plans Starting At:- Platinum plans: highest monthly payments, lowest out-of-pocket costs.
- Gold plans cover about 90 percent
- Deductible Range: $0
- $0 Co-Pay for preventative care
- Office Visit, Lab and ER Co-Pays with no deductible
- Generic and Brand drug co-pays as low as $5 before deductible with some plans
Health Plans
Thanks to the implementation of the ACA, it’s never been so complicated to buy a plan. Do I buy on or off the exchange? What is a subsidy? Do qualify for a subsidy. Learn more here
Dental Plans
One of the most popular types of coverage requested all year long is dental. Learn the real truth about dental and why you may not need to purchase it for your children. Learn more here
Vision Plans
Eye care is at the top of everyones list of most coveted benefits. If you wear glasses, you’ll want to check out some of our great programs from leading carriers like VSP. Learn more here.
Life Insurance
Life insurance is one of the most under rated lines of coverage. Not that people don’t value having life insurance, but it’s that most people don’t know the greatest secrets about life insurance. Learn more here.